A message from our family and partners at the H.O.P.E. Campaign –
Hello all! Please make plans to join us for the 13th annual fish fry fundraiser in memory of our parents, Larry & Kathy, and our sister, Sara, as well as for all who’ve battled cancer themselves or have fought alongside a family member or friend. This is our small way of giving back. We celebrate H.O.P.E. ~ Healing, Optimism, Prayer and Example. With your help over the years, we’ve blessed so many, but there’s “more work to do!” Please click on flyers with more information about the fish fry, t-shirt and (new this year!) sweatshirt sales. You may e-mail us with questions at larrybjonehopecampaign@yahoo.com or find us on facebook at fb.com/larrybjoneshopecampaign
This year’s fish fry is scheduled for Friday, April 26, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Trinity Methodist Church, 704 West Missouri Street, Bloomfield, MO. Adults $15, Children (10 & under) $10. To-Go orders available. Music by Jordan Copeland!
Link for fish fry tickets and/or apparel:
I haven’t shared our story in a while, so for anyone new to the H.O.P.E. Campaign Family, here’s a brief summary of who we are and what we do. Our family, our community, and our faith are OUR WHY:
Larry and Kathy were married on March 25, 1972. A farmer and a teacher, they raised 3 children, Lora, Sara, and Kyle, on their family farm in Aquilla, MO.
In September, 1998, at age 45, Kathy was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer. She battled courageously and underwent chemotherapy, a mastectomy, a stem cell transplant and radiation. She relied on her faith in God and the love and prayers of family and friends to see her through.
Kathy returned to work in January of 2000 and continued living and loving life. From 2005 to 2010, Larry and Kathy’s family grew to include four grandchildren, Keaton, who is Sara’s, and Sam, Vita Claire, and Anna Kate, who belong to Lora and Joe.
In the fall of 2010, Larry was diagnosed with stage 3B lung cancer. After a short but courageous 4-and-one-half month battle, Larry passed away on March 14, 2011.
Larry had a reputation for always helping others, and his family wanted this legacy to live on. Upon Larry’s passing, his family established the Larry B. Jones H.O.P.E. Campaign. Celebrating Healing, Optimism, Prayer & Example.
Two weeks after burying her husband, Kathy was re-diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. The family was devastated. It was heart-wrenching to even think about another battle like this one.
In October of 2011, the family and the community pulled together for a “Kickin’ Cancer with Kathy” event. Kathy decided all proceeds from the t-shirt sales would go to the H.O.P.E. Campaign.
In its first year, the H.O.P.E. Campaign raised over $9,000. Gifts of $300 were sent out to 30 area cancer warriors. So many others had helped us through both Mom’s and Dad’s battles with cancer. This was our small way of giving back.
In the spring of 2012, one year after losing Dad, we held a community fish fry in Bloomfield, MO, raising nearly $8,000 to help others battling cancer. This became the first annual H.O.P.E. Campaign fundraiser.
In the summer of 2012, our family added Larry “Mason” to the crew. What a blessing!
On November 1, 2012, we suffered the devastating and numbing unexpected loss of our sister, Sara. Her love and laughter live on through all of us.
In 2013, we teamed up with 18 FORE Life, a 501(c)(3) charity. This same year, they celebrated their 1 millionth love-offering dollar given to benefit area cancer warriors.
After a valiant 18-year battle with cancer, Kathy passed away on August 28, 2016. The charity was renamed The Larry & Kathy Jones Family H.O.P.E. Campaign.
In 2017, t-shirt sales, along with memorial and other donations allowed us to raise over $17,000 for the H.O.P.E. Campaign and 18 FORE Life.
Memorial donations have been made for many dear family members and friends over the years, and other fundraisers have been held on behalf of the H.O.P.E. Campaign. We are honored and humbled.
Kyle and Rachel added grandchild number six, Hudson, to the crew in the fall of 2021, and they will welcome the seventh Jones grandchild to this world in June! Elizabeth “Liza” Rhea, will be named after her Nana Kathy Rhea, and we are all over the moon.
With your help, the H.O.P.E. Campaign has raised over $167,000 to date. Since 2000, 18 FORE Life has sent out over $3.7 million in love offerings all over Southeast Missouri and beyond.
Our family knows personally the gifts received with each $1,000 love offering that is given, and we’re honored to work with you so that together we can bless others with gifts of hope, love and encouragement.
Thank you for supporting the Larry & Kathy Jones Family H.O.P. E. Campaign and 18 FORE Life. To learn more or to make a donation, please visit: larrybjoneshopecampaign.square.site
Lora & Joe, Kyle & Rachel,
Keaton, Sam, Vita Claire, Anna Kate, Mason, Hudson and little Liza Rhea
The Ben Kruse 18 FORE Life Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity and your donation is tax-deductible.
2024 H.O.P.E. Campaign Invitation!
Posted: March 10, 2024 by 18 FORE Life
A message from our family and partners at the H.O.P.E. Campaign –

Hello all! Please make plans to join us for the 13th annual fish fry fundraiser in memory of our parents, Larry & Kathy, and our sister, Sara, as well as for all who’ve battled cancer themselves or have fought alongside a family member or friend. This is our small way of giving back. We celebrate H.O.P.E. ~ Healing, Optimism, Prayer and Example. With your help over the years, we’ve blessed so many, but there’s “more work to do!” Please click on flyers with more information about the fish fry, t-shirt and (new this year!) sweatshirt sales. You may e-mail us with questions at larrybjonehopecampaign@yahoo.com or find us on facebook at fb.com/larrybjoneshopecampaign
This year’s fish fry is scheduled for Friday, April 26, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Trinity Methodist Church, 704 West Missouri Street, Bloomfield, MO. Adults $15, Children (10 & under) $10. To-Go orders available. Music by Jordan Copeland!
Link for fish fry tickets and/or apparel:
I haven’t shared our story in a while, so for anyone new to the H.O.P.E. Campaign Family, here’s a brief summary of who we are and what we do. Our family, our community, and our faith are OUR WHY:
Larry and Kathy were married on March 25, 1972. A farmer and a teacher, they raised 3 children, Lora, Sara, and Kyle, on their family farm in Aquilla, MO.
In September, 1998, at age 45, Kathy was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer. She battled courageously and underwent chemotherapy, a mastectomy, a stem cell transplant and radiation. She relied on her faith in God and the love and prayers of family and friends to see her through.
Kathy returned to work in January of 2000 and continued living and loving life. From 2005 to 2010, Larry and Kathy’s family grew to include four grandchildren, Keaton, who is Sara’s, and Sam, Vita Claire, and Anna Kate, who belong to Lora and Joe.
In the fall of 2010, Larry was diagnosed with stage 3B lung cancer. After a short but courageous 4-and-one-half month battle, Larry passed away on March 14, 2011.
Larry had a reputation for always helping others, and his family wanted this legacy to live on. Upon Larry’s passing, his family established the Larry B. Jones H.O.P.E. Campaign. Celebrating Healing, Optimism, Prayer & Example.
Two weeks after burying her husband, Kathy was re-diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. The family was devastated. It was heart-wrenching to even think about another battle like this one.
In October of 2011, the family and the community pulled together for a “Kickin’ Cancer with Kathy” event. Kathy decided all proceeds from the t-shirt sales would go to the H.O.P.E. Campaign.
In its first year, the H.O.P.E. Campaign raised over $9,000. Gifts of $300 were sent out to 30 area cancer warriors. So many others had helped us through both Mom’s and Dad’s battles with cancer. This was our small way of giving back.
In the spring of 2012, one year after losing Dad, we held a community fish fry in Bloomfield, MO, raising nearly $8,000 to help others battling cancer. This became the first annual H.O.P.E. Campaign fundraiser.
In the summer of 2012, our family added Larry “Mason” to the crew. What a blessing!
On November 1, 2012, we suffered the devastating and numbing unexpected loss of our sister, Sara. Her love and laughter live on through all of us.
In 2013, we teamed up with 18 FORE Life, a 501(c)(3) charity. This same year, they celebrated their 1 millionth love-offering dollar given to benefit area cancer warriors.
After a valiant 18-year battle with cancer, Kathy passed away on August 28, 2016. The charity was renamed The Larry & Kathy Jones Family H.O.P.E. Campaign.
In 2017, t-shirt sales, along with memorial and other donations allowed us to raise over $17,000 for the H.O.P.E. Campaign and 18 FORE Life.
Memorial donations have been made for many dear family members and friends over the years, and other fundraisers have been held on behalf of the H.O.P.E. Campaign. We are honored and humbled.
Kyle and Rachel added grandchild number six, Hudson, to the crew in the fall of 2021, and they will welcome the seventh Jones grandchild to this world in June! Elizabeth “Liza” Rhea, will be named after her Nana Kathy Rhea, and we are all over the moon.
With your help, the H.O.P.E. Campaign has raised over $167,000 to date. Since 2000, 18 FORE Life has sent out over $3.7 million in love offerings all over Southeast Missouri and beyond.
Our family knows personally the gifts received with each $1,000 love offering that is given, and we’re honored to work with you so that together we can bless others with gifts of hope, love and encouragement.
Thank you for supporting the Larry & Kathy Jones Family H.O.P. E. Campaign and 18 FORE Life. To learn more or to make a donation, please visit: larrybjoneshopecampaign.square.site
Lora & Joe, Kyle & Rachel,
Keaton, Sam, Vita Claire, Anna Kate, Mason, Hudson and little Liza Rhea
The Ben Kruse 18 FORE Life Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity and your donation is tax-deductible.
Category: Events, News Tags: charity, fish fry, h.o.p.e campaign, t-shirt