4 FREE Chances To Win the 2009 Golf Cart

As most of you know, for the last several years we have raffled off a brand new Club Car. This year is no different. We have a NEW! 2009 White Club Car waiting for a lucky winner. It, including a trailer, will be given away June 5th at our banquet and the winner need not be present at the banquet.
Raffle tickets are $10 a piece. However, this year we are giving away 4 free tickets ($40 value Math kids!) right here, to one individual. All you have to do is use the Comment Form below and tell us what has been your favorite 18 FORE Life moment or memory. You may have more than one! If you’ve never been to one of our events, tell us what it is about 18 FORE Life you like most. Be sure to use your real name (to be put on the tickets) and a real email address so we can get in touch with you. (Remember, your email address will never be displayed on the site.)
We’ll randomly pick one comment on Monday, June 1st and post the winner’s name on the site. Good luck and have fun with your comments. We look forward to reliving some great memories and giving you 4 chances at a great PRIZE!
I have never been to a banquet. My husband has cancer and I was just recently told about 18forelife. So, I went on the website to see what it was about and was pleasantly surprised to see all the good you do. Especially for the people in the surrounding communities. Keep up the good work. It is great to know that there are others who care so much. Everyone's hard work to make this happen is greatly appreciated.
In 2004, Ben, Bruce, Kip and myself were 8 under after 10 holes….REALLy playing well and looking to possibly compete for a top spot. Ben and Bruce had stayed out until 7 AM the night before and were feeling rough and it was slowly starting to show. We came to #15, a long par 5 that at times for some reason can look awful narrow, and we all hit OB! We were mad as hell, but soon found ourselves laughing and having a blast knowing we now stood NO chance of winning. I remember Bruce saying, "I didn't think four grown men could hit out of bounds like that!"
Wow. this is hard! 18 Fore Life has created so many memories for so many people. My favorite is seeing all the names on the memorial signs. Knowing how many people have been helped all because of Scott's love for his brother and his brother's love of life and wanting to help people. So unselfish! Every time I think of these young men and what an impact they have had on so many lives I feel so blessed. I was one who received a $1000 and I am soon to be a five year survivor…Some Memories may fade but my 18 Fore Life memories only grow stronger and I thank God every day for Scott and his family.
I've been to 2 banquets (so far) and there's nothing like it. The immense emotions that fill that room are something to behold. And each year is as unique as the next. Because of the memories I have growing up that include my parent's friendship with John & Marilyn Brehmer, I would have to say that I'm truly blessed to have witnessed John Brehmer's story at last year's banquet – an incredibly remarkable man that I know is missed each and every day.
I have never attended an 18 Fore Life event, but I have been witness to some of the many lives that have been touched by this amazing charity. I was blessed with one of the best friends a person could ever hope for, because of 18 Fore Life. Scott and Elaine Pursell came in to record an interview and this was the first time I had been formally introduced to her, though we both knew who the other was. She and I became the best of friends and I have been so richly blessed by knowing her and having her be such a big influence in my life.
I remember when my daughter-in-law's parents received a check from 18 Fore Life and how much it touched them to know that there were people out there who cared and wanted to help them through a difficult time, without even knowing them personally.
I am sure this story is one that has repeated itself over and over. The smile that it puts on the recipients face and the feeling of a burden being lifted, is something that is indescribable.
I know that the work that Scott, Kerri and the rest of the countless volunteers do, comes from their heart and they do not want or need recognition. That to me is the epitome of what a hero is.
I pray that one day we will have a cure for cancer, but until then, it is nice to know that 18 Fore Life is there and will continue to do what they can, to see that happen.
Thanks for all you do! Your hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed.
I didnt even know about 18forelife until we lost Ben, and then when I learned of his involvement and love for this i got onboard. The 2005 event was my first time volunteering for this and that is when I fell in love with this charity. The way that everyone really steps up and truely helps people while having a blast… its just awesome. People laugh at me when Im sharing with them about the banquets, it seems to be humorous how we can drink beer, laugh, cry, laugh and drink more beer and we might cry again all in the same night. I will always be a volunteer for this event, it makes me feel good.
When I saw this, I asked Mage if he wanted to enter and of course, he did and when I explained what you had to do to enter–in true Mage fashion–his answer was
I liker ALL !!!
Many memories and emotions come to mind when I think about 18 Fore Life.
I guess in the beginning I thought of it as another charity golf event. Never did I realize how much it would affect me as well as so many others in and around our community.
You can't put into words the feeling that someone experiences when are fighting the hardest fight in their life and they open a love offering letter. I have witnessed it first hand and it was life changing. The tears of joy, relief, and gratification were overwhelming.
Never will I think of this as just another charity golf event. It is SO much more! One will never understand until they attend one of the annual events to experience it for themselves. Truly amazing!
Even though Scott and Ben are my nephews, I didn't know about "18 Fore Life" until we had lost Ben. Since then, it has been a family effort to help out for this great cause. I missed last year due to my youngest son being in a baseball tournament in TN, and can't wait to be there this year. Also, anyone in this area, I am working on my own fundraising project for "18 Fore Life" through AVON. So anyone that would like to see what great deals I have give me a call at 573-614-0314 or e-mail me at lindadmccollough@sbcglobal.net.
Look forward to seeing everone this year.
I feel very fortunate to have met Charlie, Pam and Scott Kruse and to be a part of the 18 Fore Life events. Having lost both of my parents to cancer, I think it is wonderful that this family has used the loss of their son/brother to turn sorrow into such an enourmous source of help to people with cancer. Witnessing the love shared at the banquet and just being around all of the people who are a part of this group has enriched my life.
My husband Shannon and Ben grew up together playing ball and riding bikes . He has told me many stories of being at the Kruse's house when they were kids and how he admired Pam and Charlie for always making him feel so welcome. Shannon has played in this tournament since the first year and would never miss this event. But I know Shannon's fondest memeory was the last year Ben played in the tournament they talked about how busy every one had become and they didn't get to spend as much time with each other but when they did get together it was like no time had elasped, that they would always be buddies. So, they talked and laughed and had a great time. He misses him dearly !!
And I just want to say thank you on behalf of my aunt Betty and my grandma Gott for the love offering they recieved before each of them they passed away. It was such a wonderful helping hand. Keep up the wonderful work you all do and thank you again for caring soooooo much !!!!!!!
Great organization, ran by great people. This charity has touched so many people, including my own family. My brother-in-law is looking down, with an ice cold Sam Adams in hand, knowing his family has a little more comfort from the help of 18 Fore Life. Thanks for everything you do. KEEP BELIEVING!!
I was in the same grade as Ben. In school he was such a caring person who put his whole heart into everything he did. It warms my soul to see such a great mans name carry on through such a wonderful charity.While Ben may not be here physically to witness the impact this event has on our community I am sure he is here spiritally through all the generosity that is shown throughout your organization. To all of you who have put forth the effort to make sure this event grows bigger and stronger each and every year~ THANK YOU! May god bless you and let Bens legacy shine through in each and every one of you.
I have been to the last two 18forelife events. It's hard for me to decide which I enjoy more the banquet or the golf event.
The banquet is a wonderful way to kick off the weekend. You get to see friends, the great speakers, wonderful videos that show what this great charity does….no one has dry eyes when the lights come back on. The Buzz rocks as usual!
As for the golf event. It doesn't get any better than spending the day on the golf course with your best friends! It's the most stress free 5 hrs you're going to find. It's run so well and everyone out there has the time of their life!
Thank you Scott and crew for putting together such an amazing charity. You guys insire so many people to do the right thing!
One memory that I will hold close happened away from the banquet and off the course. A couple years ago a long time friend's dad was diagnosed with brain cancer. My brother Kevin sent an email to Scott informing him of Jim's condition and left him his mailing address. Without any further communication between Kevin and Scott a letter with a check was delivered to the home of Bret Watson. I know how much that was appreciated by the Watson family and how enormous and meaningful a small gesture can become.
Today Jim is still with us living in Springfield, MO and fighting his battle every single day. I would like to thank 18 Fore Life for helping Jim and his family fight on!
As a cancer survivor, I am so touched by watching the video of those whom this organization has helped. The encouragement that I gain just from sitting in the audience and listening to other survivors uplifts me, and in turn, makes me more aware of "playing it forward" to those who are now battling cancer. I am very proud to be a small contributor to such a unique and profound method of raising money to help those in several communities. Cancer devastates whole families, and your organization reaches out, lovingly and unselfishly, to relieve some of the burden involved in caring for cancer victims. I will be looking forward to remembering those who have "fought the good fight" and honoring those who are strengthened by knowing that someone truly cares…. Thank you for all you do!
Cancer patients in Dexter and the surrounding area is so blessed to have a charitable organization that raises money where all of the proceeds except for stamps goes directly to the patients. Although I have not been to the banquet, I became involved last year and have found that Pam Kruse is such a delight and strives to have this event to be so special to all of those who participate.
Also, I have learned of the generous support that 18ForeLife gives to some of those who have received financial support which made such a tremendous difference in their lives at this tsime.
My favorite part of the banquet is getting together and keeping in touch with a great family, old friends, and the fantastic group of people who attend. It was imperative when I played for Coach K that he has a great supporting cast of family and friends who seemed to never miss a ballgame or function. I look forward to this tournament and banquet each year and am fortunate that I get to help give back through this great charity.
My fondest memory of the tournament is NOT remembering the tournament. I hope to keep the streak alive again this year. With the guys I am playing with I am sure it will happen.
Supposedly coming in last is a fond memory. But I think the fix was on! I swear we were at least 4th from last.
This years 18 Fore Life event will be a bitter sweet memory of my husband, John Brehmer. He was an unforgettable, optimistic, loveable man. When he was asked to speak at the banquet last year he said, "Sure, I always have something to say." He had practiced ahead of time what he was going to say but when that night came I heard things that I did not know he was going to say. He even made me laugh and cry. I was so proud of him! About two weeks before the event he told me that he was feeling more pain in his lower tailbone area. We both knew what it might be and the thought of it frightened us. He took more pain medication each day. He was so proud of getting to speak at the l8 Fore Life banquet and he was hoping that he could make his speech meaningful to people. After he spoke what a surprise he got. It meant a lot to him that his friends and community would work together to provide him with a handicap golf cart so that he could golf in the 18 Fore Life Golf tournament which is what he had supported in the years past. Golfing was something he thought he would never get to do again since he had a hymipelvectomy(removal of leg and pelvic bone) only seven months prior to last years event. 18 Fore Life made a dream come true for John. I want to thank the people for making last years event one of the most special moments in John's life. He got up the morning of the golf tournament excited about the day and hoping that he could play a respectable game with only one leg and a new handicap golf cart to work with. My daughter, Julie, and grandson, Cy, rode with me in a cart behind John and his team mates. What a memorable day for us. He was like a kid with a new toy at Christmas time. He loved every minute but getting to see so many people was what he loved the most. He was a people person and enjoyed visiting with his friends again. Two weeks later his pain was so intense that he was flown back to Mayo Hospital in Minnesota where he aspirated and almost died. He was told that his cancer had returned and that he would have around 2 months to live that is if he would live through the aspiration. Thankfully, he lived through it and his deep desire then was to return to Dexter to die. He worked hard at getting well enough to be able to fly home. He lived 6 more months lying on the sofa for his cancer grew back in his tail bone area causing him not to be able to sit up. He told us that it's not the cards that you are dealt with, it's about how you play the game that matters and that is what he did. He lived 22 years after he was first diagnosed with lymphoma cancer but he did not die from lymphoma cancer he died from sarcoma cancer which is a drug induced cancer given to him through massive radiation to control the onset of the lymphoma cancer. The doctors told us that they did not feel that John would live long enough to allow the sarcoma cancer time to develop. Sarcoma cancer is a fast growing bone cancer. The best treatment is to cut it out. Since John's cancer was in his pelvic bone that meant he had to loose his leg also. I appreciate 18 Fore Life for helping with families affected with cancer but most of all I thank the people behind 18 Fore Life who helped make John have one of the most treasured memories of his life!
I have so many wonderful memories of both the banquet and the tournament that it was pretty tricky to come up with a favorite. Having known Scott & Ben Kruse all of our lives, my husband Travis and I were thrilled when we found out Ben and his wife Amy were moving in right next door to us. Ben was a fantastic neighbor and Travis and I would laugh that we could not drive by his house with out Ben throwing his arm up in the air for a big wave. We always looked for the shop light to be on so that we could stop for one last beer before heading home. My fond memory came in to play the first year after we lost our neighbor and friend. All of the neighbors that had so loved Ben decided that we were going to sponsor a hole in his memory for the tournament. We gathered money and called Scott to tell him what we wanted to do. He ordered our sponsorship sign and we made a point of stopping by to visit the hole sponsored by "The Country Lane Estate neighbors of Ben Kruse!" Ben had been gone for nearly a year by that time, but he was still bringing his neighbors out for a visit and a beer!
What a wonderful effort by some truly wonderful people. We are so grateful for the support that came to us unsolicited in the past. My wife Betty continues to battle "small cell lung cancer". She has had good scans now for about a year. We will return in June to check the status of a new spot in her right lung. With God's help it will be inactive and no further treatment will be needed. Many thanks to everyone who supports this organization and a special blessing for those that take care of it. We keep the faith that God will see us through this terrible disease. Remember this quote "The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you."