‭(573) 614-0503‬ s10k102002@yahoo.com 705 Laurie Circle, Dexter, MO 63841

7th Annual Larry B. Jones H.O.P.E. Campaign Fundraiser

2018 H.O.P.E. CAMPAIGN FISH FRY FLYER 2018 T-SHIRT ORDER FORM It’s that time again!  7th annual fundraiser for the H.O.P.E. Campaign.  We hope you can join us for the community fish fry on Friday, April 6, 2018.  Please see attached flyer for more details.  Mark your calendars now!  Please help us spread the word.  We’d …

6th Annual Larry B. Jones H.O.P.E. Campaign Fundraiser

Taking t-shirt orders now through April 30, 2017! 2017 CAMPAIGN T-SHIRT ORDER FORM In memory of our beloved parents and our sister, Sara, as well as all who’ve battled cancer themselves or have fought alongside a family member or friend. This is our small way of giving back! We celebrate H.O.P.E. ~ Healing, Optimism, Prayer …

5th Annual Larry B. Jones H.O.P.E. Campaign Fundraiser

It’s that time again! We’re excited about the 5th annual Larry B. Jones H.O.P.E. Campaign fundraiser! This year, we’re raffling TWO $500 Wal-Mart gift cards! Tickets are on sale now through 4-27-16! Please see the attached flyer, and pass it along to others! In memory of our dad, in honor of our mother, and for …

Larry B. Jones H.O.P.E. Campaign Fundraiser

It’s that time again!  We’re excited about the 4th annual Larry B. Jones H.O.P.E. Campaign fundraiser! In memory of our dad, in honor of our mother, and for all who’ve battled cancer themselves or have fought alongside a family member or friend! This is our way of giving back! We celebrate H.O.P.E. ~ Healing, Optimism, Prayer and …

Me And The Ugly C – October 5th Release

 Becky Dennington’s book will be released October 5th! The following was posted on the LazyDay Publishing blog yesterday: She never thought it would happen to her. But it did. At the age of thirty-five, Becky Dennington was diagnosed with non-invasive and invasive ductal carcinoma.  Breast cancer.  In an instant, her life changed all because of …